CID bets on sustainability with Detoxing Circularity
Consorzio Italiano Implementazione Detox (CID) bets on research, circularity, formation, and art to improve the fashion system towards better attention to sustainability and circular economy.
The new projects were shown during the CID assembly “Detoxing circularity – The approch to circularity in the textyle industry” at Accademia Costume & Moda di Milano.
Andrea Cavicchi president of Consorzio Detox, Chiara Campione, Head of Corporate and Consumers Unit of Greenpeace Italy, Elisa Monica Gavazza, director of Southern Europe Director ZDHC Foundation, Francesca Pasquali, artist, and Furio Francini, director of Accademia Costume & Moda spoke during the event.
Take a look at the “Detoxing Circularity” video.
Consumer awareness of textile sustainability
“We intend to continue to work actively for sustainable development of the fashion system, putting in place an integrated program with our companies, which will see us engaged on different fronts. It is our conviction that, in order to overcome the current obstacles to circularity, together with work on the production system and the study of the presence of toxic substances on fibers, we must also activate actions directed at the consumer, young people and designers, in order to sensitize behaviours and choices more and more aware” says the president Andrea Cavicchi.
The first project presented, is the study on recycled natural fibers made by CID in collaboration with the international foundation ZDHC, which is supported in the coordination of the national table attended by representatives of the main textile districts and some analysis laboratories, yarn, and fabric companies. The study created a PRSL – Product restricted substances list..
The study, constantly updated, is available on the CID website for consultations and for companies that want to integrate it with their data.
“From shared technical data, with a great spirit of collaboration, the group has worked to develop a document that can become a solid point of reference for the entire supply chain,” explained Elisa Monica Gavazza, Southern Europe Director ZDHC Foundation.
The study was born from the share memorandum between CID and the ZDHC Foundation. The goal was to define a reference model to reduce waste in the fashion industry. How? With the elimination of chemicals substances in the textile industry.
Chemical management in the textile sector
“Chemical management and circularity are two complementary topics. It is necessary to be at the side of industry to create tools that allow the production system to face the new challenges that the circular economy is posing. The work done by the Italian group is important and is part of a global strategic framework. Together with CID, there is ZDHC, other international associations, such as Textile Exchange. These subjects promote the reuse and recycling of textile fibers” says Frank Michel, Executive Director of ZDHC.
“It is really encouraging to witness a systemic and virtuous process like the one presented by CID today: an example of how true circularity in textiles must be understood and addressed. Only starting from a chain that has been able to clean itself from the dangerous chemicals we can go towards a circular future capable of reducing the use of raw materials safeguarding the Planet” says Chiara Campione, Head of the Corporate and Consumers Unit of Greenpeace Italia
Intervention by Chiara Campione:
Detox Circul Art, the work of art made with textile waste
Finally, art, young people, and the consumer is addressed in the DetoxCirculAr projectt realized by the CID Consortium in collaboration with the TerraMedia Association and curated by Davide Sarchioni, who will see as protagonist the artist Francesca Pasquale. The artist, thanks to the active collaboration of the Accademia Costume & Moda, together with some students, will realize an opera with the waste material of textile production provided by the companies of the Consortium. The installation will be shown in June. The goal is to involve everyone and succeed in triggering a reflection on the responsibility of safeguarding the planet also through the virtuous cycle of “reuse”.